Monday, August 16, 2010

Watch it burn.

We had some time to kill in the morning before picking up our last friend from the airport, so we spent a little bit of time with my family and I obsessed over plumerias.

Had a few pit stops along the way. The island is littered with abandoned sugar cane factories.

After the airport, we stopped at a lighthouse and a wildlife conservatory. We got our first peek at some of the few wild mammals to be seen on shore. Monk seals.

My guilty pleasure for traditional Polynesian food. Lau lau.

Having fires on the beach and watching the sunset just 5 minutes from our condo just won't ever get old. One of the most interesting parts of traveling I found, was the variation in campfires and how they burn, depending on what you have available to build 'em with. Hawaii beaches: light fast, burn even faster.

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