After last year's camping experience with Morgan, Ace, and Ryan - one of my favorite memories to date, I thought I'd fly myself out to Vancouver this summer and spend some more time with Morgan.
I landed in Vancouver and it turned into a pretty wild night at a house party filled with things even my explanations and photos would do no justice.

Then I spent a few days catching up with old friends.


Then our journey began. A lot of it wasn't documented, but we did hit a drive-in theatre on the way out of Vancouver. The next morning we woke up in a hot hot van (which we parked in an industrial park) and headed to the town of Hope (home of Rambo!), and then off down Othello road for a bit of jumpin' and tunnel explorin'.

Gotta love my underwater case for the fisheye camera.
There's this great medicinal lake that is just outside of Vancouver that is spotted. We stopped to pick some sage to dry for later.

Then we slowly made it through the Okanogan, where we did a lot of fruit picking and lounging.

Eventually it was time to head even further east, making our way back to Calgary. We camped at a few spots, trying to catch a Relvis show (red elvis.. get it?).

With all the forest fires going on in BC a lot of the camping spots and roads were closed down, so we took the opportunity to go in search of a ghost town. Although we were completely unsuccessful, the drive was nerve racking and totally grounding.

This is where we finally decided to call it quits.

I have no photographic proof of where we stayed that night, but it was pretty incredible. We were driving along the highway and decided to pull off on a back road that headed towards the river to find a place to stop for the night. After about 2 minutes of driving, the next thing I saw was a white picket fence with Christmas lights on it. About 3 trailers had parked there, and had been parked there for a few summers now - it's their summer home. BC version of cottages? Everyone was welcoming, and we just fit right in.
The next morning was time to head to Calgary. This is how beautiful the drive is.