Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is probably one of the best shows I've ever shot. It's always a little iffy shooting bigger bands, cause often the press is limited to shoot the first three songs. This never quite made much sense to me, cause they're not quite warmed up yet, and how many hits can you play in the first three? I guess three.... but that never happens. The crowds not quite into it yet. The lighting guy might not have his shit quite figured out yet.

Anyways, the Roots were totally on. Great band. Great performers.


Kool Haus

Friday, March 21, 2008

Buffalo, NY with CB

A bunch of us hopped into the Cancer Bats van and headed down to Buffalo before one of their shows. We caught a show, grabbed some drinks, started a dance party in a dive bar, stayed in a nice hotel, and had some good walks around town. I honestly love Buffalo.

Thought this was a cute one of Mikey.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cauldron & Ash Lee Blade

I'm not sure how it really happened, but a friend of mine ended up becoming friends with ALB. She took me to one of their shows, which happened to be a video shoot. It was so entertaining, and made me a little nostalgic for home and my friends in hair metal bands with members named unicorn and midgets.


Ash Lee Blade.

Lees Palace